Toute une armée d’artistes, de fabricants et d’autres experts inspirés sont prêts à animer des ateliers intéressants et à révéler leurs secrets lors de séances de questions-réponses et de présentations. Consultez cette page pour savoir dans quel domaine vous aimeriez affiner vos compétences !

Artist Alley panels & workshops
This date is over! - Kenny Rubenis about the end of the Dating for Geeks comic
Who: Kenny Rubenis
Saturday: 12:00h – 13:00h
For a full decade, this Dutch cartoonist and FACTS mainstay has toiled among the nerd relationships & tribulations of his popular characters of Dating for Geeks. And now that the final lines are on paper, it’s time to reminisce and find out what the future has in store for Kenny.
Pen-and-ink Palace: Hall 4
Writing & fandom workshops

How to draw a fantasy map
– Robin Rozendal
Saturday: 14:30h – 15:15h
Zilverspoor author Robin Rozendal (Levende steden, Werelden ontwaken, Luguberg: talentenjacht) will show you how to create a believable world with realistic topography and interesting landmarks.
Flex 1/2 (area reachable beyond Hall 1, beneath the balcony)
📹 The Compendium is back with its DIY workshops! Craft everything a wizard or witch desires:
- Wandmaking workshop
- Spellbook workshop
- Potions workshop
- Scribe feather workshop
and much more!
Place: Fan Village (Hall 8)
Timing: Both days, all day long!
Start to LARP
⚔️ It’s dangerous to go alone, take this workshop! The Live-Action Role-Playing experts of Statera Mundi University will grant you passage into the wonderful world of LARP.
Place: Fan Village (Hall 8)
Timing: Both days, all day long
Gunpla workshop
🤖 Red Comet, a group of experts on Gundam, will show you how you can make your own awesome Gundam mobile suit replica. Warning: once you’re hooked on this ‘gunpla’ activity, you may never view the world the same again!
Place: Fan Village (Hall 6)
Timing: Both days, check for details at the Red Comet booth
Learn how to play D&D
🎲 Being a Dungeon Master for Dungeons & Dragons is a mix of game knowledge, story-telling, and enjoying having counter-spells to an immense amount of funny facepalm moments. D&D Belgium is happy to show you how it’s done. Time for some vitamin D&D!
Place: Spellenspektakel
Timing: Both days, all day long
Historical fencing & lightsaber duels
⚔️ The world’s oldest fencing club, Sint-Michielsgilde De Hallebardiers, will show you how to wield a lightsaber on one stand, and historical weapons in another. Sci-fi and history meet!
Places: Hall 1
Timing: Both days, all day long
Fandom talks & workshops

🦖 Que vous rouliez en Ford Raptor ou que vous ayez vu 17 fois le premier film Jurassic Park, tout le monde a connu les dinosaures dans sa vie. Mais quel impact ont-ils eu sur la pop culture, dans les jeux, les films, les séries et les BD’s ? Quel était le premier parc à dinosaures au monde ? Et où peut-on acheter des crottes de dinosaures ? Le conférencier Harald Scheerlinck propose une liste d’informations intéressantes et de “vous savez”.
Lieu : Scène Cosplay
Horaire : Dimanche : 12:30h – 13:00h

– Mathias Maho (Ruiters van de Nacht)
– Morgan Blade (Muse Academy)
– Petra Doom (Overstekers)*
– Pen Stewart (As moderator)
Timing: Saturday: 11:00h – 12:00h
What is it about?
Effective worldbuilding can captivate audiences and draw them deeper into the story, making it an indispensable tool for authors, game designers and other creators.

- Workshop: Tegenslag versus conflict in een verhaal
- Workshop: Korte verhalen schrijven
- Workshop: Dieren in een verhaal
- Workshop: De ingrediënten van een goed verhaal
These sessions will be held in Dutch on both days, by Uitgeverij Zilverspoor, in the Workshop area. Check the schedule for time slots.
Even more
40 Years Return of the Jedi by TeeKay-421
Star Wars episode VI: Return of the Jedi turns 40 this year. Leave it up to the experts of TeeKay-421 to gather some interesting trivia and facts about this iconic movie.
Saturday: 12:30h – 13-30h
LIVE PODCAST: The Thompsons Talk Futurama
The Thompsons: A Simpsons Podcast is back with more uncommon trivia and unbridled appreciation of Matt Groening’s creations. Now with special guest Lectrr. Next up: Futurama!
Kids and videogames: guidance for safe and responsible videogame play
David Verbruggen of FLEGA (the Flemish Games Association) is going over the pros and cons of children playing video games at an early age. Will they turn out to be superhumans? Or hopeless gaming addicts? Or something in between? Lets find out at FACTS!
Saturday: 12:15h – 13:00h
Live on the Cosplay Stage